These gods and goddesses are usually venerated as wise and powerful, but remote and uninvolved.  The pantheon serves as a conduit for divine power, but the deities themselves are largely unmotivated to directly influence events on Merisyl. They take the energy their devotees expend in worship and turn it to their advantage as they scheme for influence and control over the Draconic Plane.

The Pantheon has recently undergone a rare change, with the fallen god Litoriath having re-ascended to Godhood with the aid of his Disciples and a victory over the Abyssal Lord Mezrek. This disruption has the devout of all faiths adjusting to the opportunities and threats it presents.


Chaotic Good - Goddess of fire, mining, smithing, metal and gems. She takes the form of an immaculate Crystal Dragon. “The Flame’s Kiss, The Flawless Cut, Orefinder, Mistress of the Forge“

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Lawful Neutral - God of trade, commerce, bartering, hard work, roads, travel. He takes the form of a solemn bronze dragon. “Merchant’s Friend, Old Pinchpenny, The Millstone, Roadwarden“

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Chaotic Neutral - God of Beasts, foraging, athletics and community. His preferred form is that of an intimidating Green Dragon. “The Roaring Lord, Savage Master, First of the Herd, God of Plenty”.

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Neutral Evil / Neutral Good (Fluctuating with mood) - God of hope, love, hate and despair. “The Hopeful Dawn, Night's Despair, The Silver Lord of Love, The Dark Lord of Wrath”

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Chaotic Neutral - Goddess of alcohol, entertainment, music, humor, pranks and seduction. “The Lovely Lush, Lady Muse, The Gregarious Girl, The Beautiful Note, The Sultry Smile, The Tricky Tart”

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Lawful Evil - God of Oceans, storms and lightning. Khirr takes the form of a majestic blue dragon. “Father Fathom, Brother Brine, The Terrible Tempest, The Grasping Gale, Lord Lightning, The Fiery Fulmination, Storm Lord”

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Lawful Good - God of Redemption, Second Chances, Hope the poor and the terminally ill. “The Absent God, The New God, The Betrayed, Seeker of Redemption, Arbiter of Absolution”

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Neutral - Goddess of Sun, Magic and Balance. She takes the form of a resplendent Imperial Dragon. “Mother Sun, The Arcane One, The Even-Handed, Lady Mage, The First Sorcerer, The Bright Queen“

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Neutral Good - Patrael is known as the Mistress of the Broken Moon. She appears as a Lunar Dragon, and is the Goddess of rivers, lakes, orphans, and the insane. “Mother Moon, Lady of Life, the Sheltering Hand, Matron of Madness”

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Neutral Good - God of Farming, Hunting, Agriculture, The Forest. “The Unseen Walker, Truestrike, The Unbroken Spear, Ploughmaster“

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Lawful Good - Goddess of order, logic, contracts, and engineering. She is an impressive gold dragon. “The Just Judge, The Blessed Builder, Queen of Constructs, The Thinker, Oathmaker”

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Neutral - Goddess of Life, Death, Birth, Rebirth and Renewal. “Mistress of The First and Last Breaths, Lady Rejuvenation, The Midwife, The Shrouded One, Mother Korthjach“

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Chaotic Evil - God of Darkness, hatred, Deceit and Greed. His preferred form is that of a terrifying Umbral Dragon. “The Vengeful One, Nightstalker, Our Furtive Father, Sower of Chaos, Lord of the Unknown, Soultwister”

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