I. Geographical Information

A. Geography and Terrain

The island of Aodar lies north across the Strait of Rasvim from the Rasvim Range, home of Krunderyx and Rachvir. On the eastern edge of these mountains lie the Roiling Hills. When closely observed, these hills appear to shift and rumble. In truth, the constant movement of the hills is caused by the many Bulette which infest the area. Rumors suggest that an ancient keep lies deep within the hills, where once an incautious wizard toyed with powers beyond her control, creating the Bulette and rendering the land uninhabitable. Beast-Breakers from Krunderyx occasionally venture in to the Roiling Hills to capture and ‘break’ Bulette to be used as powerful and terrifying mounts. Otherwise, the perimeter of the Roiling Hills is fiercely guarded, to ensure that the Bulette do not venture on to inhabited land.

South of the range are the swamplands of the Protectorate of the Black Wyrm. These seemingly endless wetlands span hundreds of miles and are home to a myriad of dangerous beasts.

Further south the Crossguard Mountains span the top of the Xatoic Ishthmus, which connects northern Chayle to  the Waterblade, a wild land of dense forests and rolling hills.

Achuak Hoardland

The Achuak Hoardland (or just “Hoardland” as most refer to it) makes up most of the west side of the portion of the continent of Chayle above the Xatoic Isthmus.

The boundary between the Hoardland and the Protectorate of the Black Wyrm follows the curve of the river Chuakazix’ Tears, extending north to Krunderyx, and south along the border of the Great Woods to the Crossguard Mountains.

The vast woodlands, plains and savannah’s of the Hoardland are the home to a countless variety of wildlife, including the large Botajan Herd who migrate back and forth between the Northern Enfeva and Southern Enfeva grazing lands annually. The Falling Tears ford, where the herd crosses the Chuakazix’ Tears river, is a gathering place for many of the peoples of the Hoardland – especially during the migration itself.

The Horns of Enfeva are two tremendous mountains about 300 miles apart in the Hoardland. Each of them boasts a unique ecology, and those sensitive to mystical energies claim that magic there feels more powerful. Tribes of the Hoardland say that these mountains are the horns of Chuakazix, who stands in the center of the world and carries Chayle, keeping it from falling it into the ocean.

B. Climate

The climate is temperate, with the winds from the Nindala Ocean bringing plenty of moisture. The temperature in the winter months is relatively mild, with average temperatures ranging from the low 40s to mid 50s Fahrenheit (5-13 degrees Celsius). Prolonged cold spells and heavy snowfall are rare. The temperature in the summer months is cool, with average temperatures ranging from the mid 60s to low 70s Fahrenheit (20-25 degrees Celsius). There are occasional heat waves, but these are generally short-lived. The lush plains and vibrant forests thrive in this climate.

II. Cultural Information

A. Civilizations and Societies


The Free City of Aodar thrives on trade, and trade thrives on the ability for diverse peoples to come together and coexist. The small island city-state is just off of the north shore of the Dominion of Rach, on Chayle.

Archepelago of Blood

The Archipelago of Blood is a series of islands which trail south from the eastern edge of the coast of Waterblade. There are dozens of small islands, but only the largest are significant to the economy of Waterblade, and thus only six are generally considered to be part of the Archipelago of Blood. From north to south those islands are:

  • Darir
  • Heinab
  • Norian
  • Sanguine
  • Etteravix
  • Segur

The main town on Darir is Daimlin. Although Daimlin is a relatively rural town, it is famous for its woodworking, metal-smithing and stone carving practices. Artisans from around Merisyl come there to learn and apprentice under the masters that settled there generations ago.

The island is a source of pink marble, used in much of the stone carving, but the raw metal and wood are imported. Much of the wood is Blackwood, from the Obsidian Forest, and shipped out of Arklyn, at the mouth of the Tendrils.


Fort Brighton is the primary base and training center for the Waterblade Navy. This includes a military academy for ground troops as well, and covers military strategy for fleets, land combat and ship-to-ship combat. The Fort is under the command of Admiral Marakachi Ordonnix – a resplendent Blue Dragon who claims the Archipelago of Blood and was one of the triumvirate who ruled over Waterblade, the others being Blizghuramoth (now deceased) and Ziannythi Xir’Dostic, a Green that lives in the woods south of Lysh.


While most of the northern end of this isle consists of wooded wilds, the southern grasslands are dotted with exposed strips of stone. Scattered settlements have risen around the largest quarries, which excavate the stone for use in local buildings or to trade. Occasionally a vein of some ore, typically tin, is found. The largest settlement bears the name Norian as well, and can be found at the southern point. Here, a small school of magic can be found, as well as the only temples to the draconic gods on the isle. In the woods to the north, a few groups of tribal troglodytes are often warring with each other, with little interest in the southern civilized lands.


This isle is best known for its alcohol; Sanguine Red is a popular wine throughout Waterblade, and especially in the other islands of the Archipelago, where it is relatively cheap. Replete with plantations of red grapes, three large wineries can be found at the southeast, east, and north ends of the island. While the north and southeast have small ports, they are primarily used for small boats to transfer wine to the larger eastern port, where cargo ships export the wine in bulk. In the past, Sanguine was infamous for its pirate hideouts and black market. In order to prevent their return, the Waterblade Navy established a significant presence on the island, based in Fort Moranski (previously inhabited by pirates, the fort was liberated and upgraded to military standards) by the western coast. As such, Sanguine is well known to merchant ships for its safe waters, and to smugglers for its inaccessibility. The wineries begrudgingly pay the high taxes on their income, and mostly agree that it is worth the security of their sales.
The pirates previously ousted from Sanguine are reputed to have relocated to Segur.

Sanport and the Wine Families

The eastern port belongs to the small town known as Sanport, within which the Feran Family Winery resides. The majority of its residents are laborers in the winery or closest plantations, but a number of citizens who are neutral to the wineries can also be found.

Feran Family Winery

As the first of the wineries to be established, the Feran family has been around for nearly two centuries, and had been heavily associated with bootleggers, smugglers, and other pirates until the Navy arrived. The Ferans agreed to rat out dozens of their previous associates in exchange for freedom from the charges that would otherwise cripple their estate; even so, the fines that were still imposed forced the Ferans to sell a large chunk of their property to the newly established Northshore Company. Feran Sanguine Red is the most expensive of the three wines produced.

Northshore Company Winery

When the Navy moved in permanently, a number of military families followed. On the Northern shore (thus, Northshore) an enterprising group of them took advantage of the Ferans’ financial difficulties, and bought out enough of the land to gain a significant foothold on the market. The Northshore Company is well respected for the benefits its laborers receive, but as a result, has the smallest profit margin of the three wineries. Northshore Sanguine Red is neither the most nor least expensive of the three wines, and occupies a balanced middle ground.

Shaleson Family Winery

Founded just before the Navy came, the Shaleson Family Winery took the previously unclaimed southern fields of the island. Originally, the Winery was intended to be a cover for a more elaborate illegal pirating scheme; when the Navy arrived, the pirates, not yet having begun their scheme in earnest, chose not to risk their investment in the land and decided to become an honest business. Even so, the Shaleson family has ties to the eradicated pirates, and holds no love for the military-associated Northshore Company or the backstabbing Feran Family. Shaleson Sanguine Red is the least expensive of the three wines, and goes through extensive corner cutting to secure, just barely, the highest profit margin.


This island off the east shore of Chayle has a reputation as a dangerous place to sail, with the Iamian Reef posing a hazard to large sailing craft. It also has a reputation as a dangerous place to visit, with reports of small vessels that travel too close to its shores going missing.

As a result, the small town of Inbleton  doesn’t frequently see visitors. Those who have visited indicate that the town is secretive with outsiders, refuse to let anyone explore the forests to the west, and forbid the worship of any of the traditional pantheon.

Storytellers tell a tale of the legend of the lost city of Tongrina which was supposedly once on the southwestern part of the island of Buyre but slipped into the ocean after an earthquake thousands of years ago.


Krunderyx boasts a complex military structure with distinct subdivisions safeguarding different zones. The Royal Guard controls the affluent Royal District, supported by the elite Beast-Breakers. The Upper Guard secures the Upper District’s perimeter, while the vast Lower Guard patrols Lower Krunderyx, safeguarding docks, city gates, and vital buildings. The Gold Guard, within the Lower Guard, focuses on economic protection and oversees the Glowing Grotto, a bustling mercantile hub. Additionally, the Crag Guard operates in The Crag, where miners extract resources and defend against threats.

In Krunderyx’s tapestry, various organizations thrive, such as the Monks of the Scaled Claw, an exclusive order comprising Draconic races devoted to their dragon heritage. The city’s economy thrives on trade, facilitated through its multiple docks and bustling mercantile districts, like the Glowing Grotto. Notable regional neighbors include Grunfallen, a lumber settlement, and Rosedawn, a dwarven town known for its scholarly pursuits situated at the base of Rosemount, a majestic mountain.

Krunderyx’s ecology features unique creatures like Bulette, tamed through the arduous efforts of the Beast-Breakers, and distinctive districts. The Lower District encompasses vital areas like the Docks, the Forge processing mined materials, and the Glowing Grotto as a vibrant commercial center. Meanwhile, the Upper District, Royal District, and the elevated Crags are fortified and dedicated to specific functions, fostering a diverse and stratified cityscape.


The city of Notch is located on a natural harbor on the coast of Waterblade. Although it was once a relatively safe walled trade city under the control of the dragon Blizghuramoth, the balance of power has shifted. Blizghuramoth has not been seen in almost 100 years, and short-lived races have hurried to grab the reins of power while the Bronze dragons of Waterblade that could easily reassert control have chosen not to infringe upon territory they consider to be Blizghuramoth’s still. The criminal element now controls the city, with “might makes right” an accepted credo.

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