Nestled in some of the highest peaks of the Mountains of Treth, Fylott is difficult to reach for those who can’t fly, Most visitors expect a small, frozen village of huts, as the surrounding mountains are well above the snow line, but the reality of what greets them as they cross through Fylott Zhan Nos pass and crest Mount Kanapo north of the city is a virtual paradise compared to the surrounding mountains.
Snowfall is frequent, but geothermal activity (including active fissures) keep temperatures moderate and provide powerful updrafts that many of the largely Ixen population use to their advantage when traveling about the city.

Streams and creeks abound, as the ice and snow from the upper reaches melts where it reaches the geothermal heat around the city. The water is clear and crisp, and is often channeled by builders into water features around buildings and parks.
Unlike the Dwarves, who are just as comfortable building in as well as on their mountains, the architects of Fylott have taken the approach of using massive stone pillars to support one side of their buildings and roads, with the other secured against the mountainside. The result can be disconcerting to visitors – especially those afraid of heights. The Ixen natives are of course quite at home with this arrangement, and can often be seen gliding from building to building above the valley floor and ravines below.
Vazdanovir is a Magma Dragon, and holds the role of “Caposervitoire”. Literally translated, this means “Servant Leader” – and her ambition for the city was for it to be one in which the leader and Council (a small group of officials responsible for various areas of administration) are there to help the people of the city thrive, solving their problems and improving their lives. For many years this noble ambition was upheld admirably, and Fylott was a laudable example of urban development. However, 8 years ago Vazdanovir turned much of the daily business of the city over to the Council of Advisors. Unofficially (and privately) the working class of Fylott refer to the Council as the Overseers. Over the years as Vazdanovir has turned more of the daily work over to these Advisors the nature of the city has changed.
One advisor of note is Fylott Kahiim Trem, an Ixen who serves as Chief Justice and oversees the legal system. He has spent much of his time as advisor discreetly abusing his power fostering a system of manufactured criminal charges that serve to populate the silver mines with innocent poor (often Dwarves), who must labor without pay and in horrid conditions in order to work off their sentences.
In the past few years the laws of Fylott have changed to disband guilds and prevent the formation of new ones. Those skeptical of authority state that this was an attempt to obscure the harsh conditions faced by the many laborers which form the backbone of the city and ensure the presence of an underclass for the wealthy to exploit.
Originally called “Happy Valley”, the residents decided the name sounded silly and so officially petitioned the government to rename it “Bensvelkarux”. Which in Draconic means “Good Valley”, but sounds much fancier. The small but vocal contingent behind the renaming is quite proud of their civic success, and remains largely unaware that most residents of the district are laughing at them behind their back.
The name (either one) was earned by having no border with the Lesions, relatively flat land bordering Lake Xor and prevailing winds that keep the Houndsbreath mists away. Despite the proximity to Highgarden and Gods’ Eyes, both districts are actually difficult to get to, as they are across the river and on considerably higher ground.
Just east of Gods’ Eyes, this relatively small district is sandwiched between the Northeast and Southeast Arms of the Lesions. Most of the cities smithies, tanneries and other manufacturing is located here – and many of them simply dispose of their waste products directly into the chasm – undoubtedly contributing to the toxic environment at the bottom.
Crescent Hills
Despite being adjacent to the Crossing and bordered on 2 sides by the Lesions, this district has attracted an upper middle class population over the years. This is due in large part to the limited accessibility – only the two bridges allow access, and so the cliquish communities of Crescent Hills tend to be isolated from the rest of the city. The north end of Crescent Hills and the south end of Woodsedge are often debated as being in one neighborhood or the other, though the prevailing thought is that north of Jade Lake Trail Road is Woodsedge territory.
While largely residential, there are also services oriented towards the wealthy that are located here.
The renowned Fylocieum is Fylott’s prestigious university. A center of learning for across Merisyl, this district is the home of the university and the many businesses, residents and visitors that it attracts. This district attends to be openly accepting of all races, creeds and philosophies and get along relatively well. The rare bouts of violence are typically channeled into vigorous debate rather than physical combat. Students of the university tend to be widely varied in ages, from those just out of the house hoping to prepare for a career in academia to those who have tired of their prior careers as adventurers who are now looking for adventures of the mind.
Gods’ Eyes
Officially called Mount Erri, most refer to this part of the city as the Gods’ Eyes. On the slopes of Mount Erri each of the Athear (temples) of the gods have been built, as well as housing for their staff. The largest of these is the Athear of Trade, dedicated to Caltolav. A tremendous large bronze bell dominates the steeple, and the sound of it ringing the hour can be heard echoing throughout the mountainside – well beyond the city itself. It is generally accepted that this is a deliberate attempt to attract trade to Fylott.
This section of the city is the home of the well-to-do… aristocrats and merchants who can afford this prime real estate. The heat from the volcanic activity keeps the land green here, yet the lack of venting means the air is crisp and fresh. The relatively gentle slopes make for less precipitous architecture and provides more space than some of the other areas of the city. Most of the Council of Advisors lives here.
Properly named Crystal Falls, this section of town is more commonly referred to as Houndsbreath. The spectacular falls from Mount Gretvalix flow into the Lesions near one of the large active magma pools, resulting in clouds of sulfurous steam which billow up and through this part of the city regularly. Dozens of years ago a young bard by the name of Rahntanio composed a humorous ditty about his romantic exploits being constantly interrupted by his hound, Ondry. He attributed one verse as inspired by Crystal Falls, and it subsequently stuck as the common (albeit unofficial) name of the district:
“A pleasant dream awakens me,
My lover’s gaze I’m sure to see.
Alas, ‘tis but the doleful gaze
and foggy stench of Ondry’s wheeze.”
This area is generally regarded as a good balance of safety and cost. It’s a common place for cost-conscious visitors to stay, and attracts a healthy mix of tourists and natives alike.
Lake T’Vwa is the predominant feature in this district. The areas immediately around the lake is a city park, and the remainder of the area around it is oriented towards recreational activities that take place in and around the lake.
New Market
Despite being called “new”, this market district has been around for over a hundred years. As real-estate became scares in Old Market some of the wealthier nobility with an eye for investment decided to create a more upscale, spacious economic center. Where just about anything can be found in Old Market, New Market tends more towards luxury goods and white glove services.
North Slope
North Slope is an interesting melting pot of long-time merchants tied to Old Market, upscale residencies more associated with New Market and people just well-to-do enough to stay out of the Rack. The heavily trafficked road between Old and New Market is officially named Novarakheem’s Road, but is just as frequently called the Main Road or the Silver Trail. Street vendors pass up and down it at all hours hawking their wares.
Old Market
The tightly-packed buildings of Old Market are riddled with narrow, twisting alleys. Two and three story buildings have shops on the ground floor that have existed for hundreds of years. The families that run them live on the floors above and form a tight-knit community of working-class merchants.
The Rack
One of the poor sections of the city, these buildings are built directly into the upper walls of the Great Crevasse (one of the largest openings into the Lesions). Typically miners or their families live here… struggling to improve their lot and staying a financially afloat by the skin of their teeth – and sometimes by means less than legal.
South Slope
This lower middle-class neighborhood is largely made up of blue-collar workers, including a significant number of Fylocieum staff who can’t afford to live nearer to the university. Residents of South Slope have a chip on their shoulder, feeling at the same time disrespected by the residents of the surrounding districts, and superior to them, touting their work ethic and down-to-earth desires; eschewing the fancy and pretentious.
On the west end of South Slope overlapping with the Fylocieum district under the watchful eyes of The Philosopher is a neighborhood nicknamed Littlegate. It is a tough but close-knit neighborhood in which everyone sticks up for each other and most turn a blind eye to anything their neighbors might be doing to earn a little extra gold. Enemies from there are dangerous, and friends from there are staunchly reliable.
This vast cavern under Mount Gretvalix was an active magma chamber thousands of years ago. It lies beneath the Gretvalix Caldera and the quartz ceiling is supported by hundreds of naturally formed columns. It is also permeated with cracks and crevasses through which sunlight reflects, resulting in a beautiful diffuse violet glow. Snowmelt from the peak of Gretvalix makes its way through these same cracks and crevasses, pooling together into Lake Jarru before flowing out through the underground River Tamton.
The relatively protected environment, rich soil and plentiful water provide an excellent environment for farming, which is next to impossible to do beyond the confines of the valley Fylott occupies. Most of the residents of the Undergarden work in agriculture or related fields.
West Slope
Woods’ Edge
Guilds & Organizations
Agronomists’ Federation
The Agronomists’ Federation is a collective of farmers, herbalists, druids and others who are responsible for the food supply of Fylott. Most of their work takes place in the Undergarden, which is well suited to farming. They have a compound there that is essentially a large farm, but in which administrative work and research also takes place. Critics of the organization say they tend to put the needs of the plants above the needs of the citizens, to which the common response is “without the plants there would be no citizens”.
A special division of the City Guard dedicated to the security of the Justice department and the courts. The rest of the City Guard gripes that this unit gets privileges and equipment that the rest of them do not. They are also exempt from the public oversight and transparency that applies to the main contingent of the Guard – answerable only to Fylott Kahiim Trem and his immediate subordinates.
Silver Daggers
In response to injustices, a secret faction of Dwarven miners has formed an underground resistance in order to smuggle out prisoners as well as silver. These resistance miners (known in whispered circles as the Silver Daggers) have memorized complex tunnel systems which allow them to easily move hot items under the noses of their guards.
The Zauberer are an Arcane guild dedicated to harnessing and protecting Fylott from the geothermal energy which it relies upon. They look upon Vazdanovir as more than just a Dragon (though she is not), and serve her devotedly. As the tensions in the city have slowly risen, they have begun to come into conflict with the Council. Believers in Vazdanovir’s vision for the city when she came to power just after the Rise of Litoriath, they have slowly shed their traditional non-political stance in an attempt to retain the vision of a government which serves the people.
Around the temperate area in which Fylott has been built the mountains are a hostile and unforgiving barrier to the outside world. This makes Fylott very defensible. Fylott Zhan Nos pass is the only reasonable way in on the ground, and the Brightspears (Fylott’s guard and military) patrol it regularly, keeping it more or less free from the ice giants, woolly rhinoceros, trolls and even some Linnorm, reputedly.
The worst (or smartest) of these stay clear of Fylott itself, as Vazdanovir has little patience with any significant incursion into the city she views as her paradise.
Some of the deeper and narrower ravines that run between the mountains have fissures at the bottom of them. As the streams run into these clouds of steam waft up, keeping the walls of the ravine slick, moist and warm. The network of ravines (often called the Weeping Lesions) is said to be connected with tunnels, and rumors have them filled with everything from assassins and thieves’ guilds to nightmarish beasts. It is common to admonish particularly troublesome children with the punishment of being tossed into the Lesions should their behavior not improve. While the truth is hard to sift from the tall tales, it is generally accepted to be a dangerous place, and few venture down below willingly.
The vast silver mines which fuel Fylott’s economy sprawl throughout the mountains around and under the city. These narrow, winding passageways fork and intersect frequently, making navigation of these tunnels difficult for the inexperienced. The Dwarves who toil away in these mines know that they can be used to discreetly navigate the city. These tunnels intersect with parts of the Weeping Lesions, open into other subterranean caverns, and occasionally lead outside of the city.
The area around Fylott is populated with its fair share of mountainous wildlife – but mostly of a well-known (albeit still quite dangerous) variety. The Weeping Lesions are another story entirely. The darkness, heat, water, and toxic fumes combine for a list of creatures found virtually nowhere else. These range from the beautiful and benign Rainbow Oozes to the lightning fast Rocklickers to the friendly Sulfur Skinks.
Councilperson Angretta,
Please note that the official city documentation on Sulfur Skinks now lists them as “friendly”. As the Head of the Fylocieum Zoology department, I sincerely recommend you reclassify them as “deadly” or at least “dangerous” lest guest to Fylott get the wrong idea.
While it is true that at young ages Sulfur Skinks can make tolerable pets and may amuse children with their fart-like emanations, they will begin preying upon small household pets when they reach adolescence, and small children upon reaching adulthood. It is unclear what benefit is gained through this misrepresentation of their nature.
Note that already the change in classification has resulted in unsavory dealers in exotic goods capturing them and selling them to otherwise unsuspecting citizenry.
Dr. Foltondari
Fylott’s silver mines produce nearly 60% of all known silver on Merisyl. The mass export of silver has brought in copious wealth to Fylott. Additionally, the grand architecture and fine silver artistry of the city attracts a fair amount of tourism to the city.
Fylott is a relatively new city, as Merisyl history goes. Vazdanovir’s grandfather Novarakheem discovered this idyllic mountain oasis some 1200 years ago. For a while he used it as a solitary retreat for meditation. Soon, though, the combination of the active fissures and the constant background of running water, coupled with the hot springs made him fall in love with the place. The first settlers were his household staff, who he flew in. Over time as their needs expanded and it became increasingly troublesome to fetch supplies and workers from Coalte and Tyrn, Novarakheem offered land grants to artisans and craftspersons willing to relocate to what was at the time a tiny town.
As people slowly moved into the city, huge veins of silver were discovered in the surrounding mountainsides. As word spread, Dwarven clans flocked to the city vying for control over the mines.
At the time of the land grants the settlement was generally referred to as Novarakheem’s Lair (which he didn’t particularly care for) or just “The Oasis”. However, about a decade after the land grants had been issued Novarakheem met Fylottarajima, and fell in love. In her honor, he renamed the village Fylott.
For the first 20 or 30 years getting in or out of the village to the outside world was a lengthy and dangerous adventure, unless one of the Dragons was available to make a flight. That improved significantly when Zhan Nos Fylott (one of the first Ixen born in the village after it was renamed) took it upon himself to solve that problem. A precocious Sorcerer, Fylott Zhan Nos learned to tap into his Arcane talents to a level that eludes most. With careful scouting, precise measurement, and a battery of spells he brought down a thin ridge of Mount Kanapo, effectively clearing the way for the rest of the pass to be built through more mundane means. Fylott Zhan Nos went on to found the Zauberer. The end of his life was something of a mystery, however, as he and his husband Coalte Korros Frei moved into the Fissures to do research and were heard from rarely – and then eventually not ever heard from again.