I. Geographical Information

A. Geography and Terrain

The tall mountains of the North Range split the Hills of Kaharain, which run along the northern end of the continent.  The city of Durban is the largest settlement on the continent of Aurix, and Dwarves there have carved their homes into mountainside. The thick evergreen forests covering these mountains spread south around Lake Oesta, one of the largest freshwater lakes.

Around the shores of Aurix heavy winds blow regularly, keeping the dunes scoured of any large vegetation. Further inland, grassy plains support a robust ecosystem of wildlife.

On the eastern shore the Asref river and the U^to! river come together and flow through the lowlands, creating a extensive marsh. The Korthjach city of Kethend calls these marshes home.

B. Climate

The cold, moist air from the north regularly drops snow in the North Range, and rain further south around Lake Oesta.

II. Cultural Information

A. Civilizations and Societies

A number of nomadic tribes call Aurix their home.  One of the most noteworthy is the Xienne tribe, who migrated across the Nindala ocean from the Achuak Hoardland just a few generations ago.  It is unique in that it is made up of diverse ancestries who share a common desire to live off the bounty of the land.

Durban, in the North Range, has a large Dwarven population. They specialize in stonework and metalsmithing, as do many of the other citizens of Durban. Rye, barley and oats are grown on the mountainside, and the land is rich with game. A number of small settlements dot the mountains outside of Durban, including the Goblin town of Puurk, the Kobolds of Rockhill and the Ixen of Pinetop. All of these smaller settlements now rely upon the monthly markets hosted in Durban’s Roadwarden Plaza – organized and maintained by the Athear of Caltolav.

Kethend is a largely Korthjach city in the Indigo Swamp. They do heavy trade in rare flowers and fungi that thrive in the swamp, as well as the very popular Saltato. 50 miles downriver on the shore is a small outpost called Keth. Most non-Korthjach who have business in Kethend prefer to go no further than Keth, due to the hostile conditions of the Indigo Swamp, but enough head upriver to keep a number of Korthjach river guides flush with gold. 

B. Religion and Beliefs

Worship of Chuakazix and Premyzic is common amongst the plains tribes. Followers of both revere the Glade of the Golden Hoof, an idyllic clearing near the south shore of Lake Oesta purported to bring good fortune to hunters and gatherers.

Vivlorean is venerated throughout the Indigo Swamp, with the temple in Kethend being one of the largest in Merisyl. The chapter of the Gravestalkers headquartered there ranges across the continent in their quest to find and eliminate undead.

Small settlements around the shore venerate Khirr, in the hopes that prayer will protect them from the wrath of the sea.

III. Historical Information

A. Ancient History

Storytellers share a tale that Aurix was formed by the ancient Gold Dragon Barunkovic being cast down from the skies by his arch-enemy Zymlothar, a massive sea serpent said to rule the depths of the Myvondi ocean. The Hills of Kaharain are Barunkovic’s wings, and the North range his head, covered by earth thrown across his fallen body as Zymlothar buried his ancient foe.

A common fireside tale in Durban is that the Dwarves there arrived on an airship from Frostfeld during a thunderstorm, saved from certain death from a crash in the high peaks only by the daring and bravery of Captain Coalstoker. Cynical listeners claim the wealthy Coalstoker family who lives in Durban to this day have put forth this fictional account only to further their own fortunes.

B. Recent History

Since the Abyssal Rending the city of Durban has taken deliberate steps to remain better connected to world events. They were wholly unprepared for the Dark Claws and had no allies to call upon for help. Had the Disciples not foiled Mezrek’s plot the city of Durban would have been nothing more than a livestock pen for demons.

Now the city actively cultivates connections with the small villages and nomadic tribes across the continent, as well as every two years sending out a small group of representatives to each of the cities attacked in the Rending.

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