Age of Dragons (Creation - First Era; 1E)
As Apsu created Merisyl he contemplated the nature of his offspring. Dahak’s rage was born of jealousy, he thought. No longer the only offspring, he saw the very existence of his siblings as a challenge to be met with fire. With this new world perhaps Apsu could reconceive his vision of the Draconic bloodline with a smaller, calmer, less devastating incarnation of his imagination. Thus were born the Pacantryx and the Ixen. Of Dragons, with their affinity for magic and their intelligence, but on a scale, Apsu thought, that would not register as a challenge to Dahak. Let this new realm be their place to flourish alongside their elder cousins.
Ascendancy of Vivlorean
While legends tell of an ancient time when a draconic deity controlled the portfolio that Vivlorean now claims, the truth of this is unclear. What is generally accepted, though, is that Vivlorean is the one non-Draconic power in the pantheon and that her oversight over the cycle of life, death and rebirth is not challenged by the rest of the Gods. This difference has led theologians over the years to put forth truly outlandish theories related to her origins the most prominent of which is that she comes from the other side of a “dark portal” beyond which lies a terrible Unmaking, from which she guards the world.
Empire of Verrkoth
In the early centuries after Creation as Zelagiur worked to keep Merisyl hidden he brought the Xulgath to Merisyl. That race had mastered the ability to balance a penchant for unpredictable violence with the focus necessary to expand their reach. Thus was born the Empire of Verrkoth. This name was a derivation of the Draconic words “Versal Kothar” or “Powerful Demon”, and the description of the Xulgath was accurate. Their cruel Empire spread beneath the surface of Merisyl like a blight.
The “BC” designation for years refers to Before Colonization and similarly “AC” for After Colonization.
Alternate designations for perennial measurements are “1E” for First Era, “2E” for Second, etc.
While scholars have fierce debates over the accuracy of each – in truth both are estimates, as the true date of Creation is unknowable, and the exact transitioning of an era is a matter for philosophical debate.
Events of the First Era are so long ago that no attempt is made to estimate a specific age to them.
Recently the designations “RL” (for Rise of Litoriath) has emerged. Originating with a relatively small following of Litoriath devotees, it was popularized as the Chroniclers of All adopted it in their works. Times before the rise are designated “BR”.
Birth of the Korthjach
After some thousands of years overseeing the passage of souls not made flesh in her image, Vivlorean intervened in the Cycle of Rebirth. From the souls of a myriad of Merisyl creatures were born the race known as the Korthjach. This insular people have remained largely devoted to Vivlorean over the years, and held themselves apart both from the Draconic races and the refugees once they arrived during the Colonization.
Age of People - Second Era (2E)
Colonization (approximately 10,000 BR)
The Earthfall event of Golarion prompted use of Merisyl as sanctuary for many creatures. Pharasma, fearing a flood in the River of Souls that would outstrip her ability to allocate souls to the Outer Planes, used Merisyl to shelter tens of thousands of Golarion creatures of all types within the protective shell.
Vivlorean aided Pharasma in this effort, dispersing the Rehomed across the land, attempting to match their preferences of environment as best she could.
Zelagiur was incensed by this, as he (rightfully) viewed Colonization as making his job as protector of the secret of Merisyl’s existence exponentially more difficult. Thus was born the undying enmity between Vivlorean and Zelagiur.
Knowing that the Rehomed could not retain the memory of their former land if the secret of Merisyl’s origin was to be successfully guarded, Zelagiur convinced Endrell that wiping their memory of it would cause them great despair, forcing the Rehomed to turn to him as they searched for love. Zelagiur then convinced Haryxmi that erasing these memories would be a prank of unparalleled scale. Together, they crafted a massive ritual (“The Great Forgetting”) that wiped the memory of their former land from the Rehomed. The strain of this ritual may have been the final straw that tipped Zelagiur into madness.
Note that the timing of Colonization means that the development of the Drow and Duergar on Golarion happened after Earthfall, and so there are no Drow present on Merisyl.
Botojan Slaughter (approximately 9,500 BR)
Warlord Lyshentala Avuur driving thousands of heads of swine and cattle into the Jirhez Sea (see Chuakazix | Botojan Slaughter) was a formative moment in the course of Merisyl history, as it led directly to the creation of the Daeodus and Mustela.
Creation of the Daeodus and Mustela (approximately 9,300 BR)
Already disgusted with the exploitation of the land perpetrated by large segments of the civilizations developing from Colonization, the Botojan Slaughter was the deciding factor in Chuakazix deciding to create ancestries that he could shape to share the values he held dear. He created the Daeodus and Mustela with this in mind, and these values and their devotion to Chuakazix are still very strong to this day.
Arrival of the Gnomes (approximately 8,900 BR)
Hundreds of years after Colonization, Gnomes arrive on Merisyl, fleeing an unknown threat from the First World. It is unclear how they pierced the protective shell, as nobody with the knowledge of Merisyl’s secret acknowledges admitting them. One possibility is that they simply became lost while migrating from the First World, stumbled into the Draconic plane and used their amazing penchant for magic and innovation to devise a way through into Merisyl.
The timing of their arrival was such that they were not present during the Great Forgetting, and none of the three Deities originally involved in that ritual were willing to repeat the effort. Zelagiur has a standing order for the Keepers of the Dark Vault to find and eliminate any source of information which mentions Golarion, the Draconic plane or anything else which may be deemed a thread to the Secret.
Works of Mershoula (approximately 6,500 BR)
The Pacantryx wizard Mershoula began her biological experiments in what is now known as the Dominion of Rach. Her work drew inspiration from the creation of the Daeodus and Mustela, and resulted in the creation of Bulette, Manticore, and other dangerous creatures.
These creatures would eventually be “adopted” by Chuakazix after Mershoula’s disappearance 600 years later.
Not long after her biological experimentation Mershoula learns of the Velstrac, a race of especially depraved devils who escaped being chained up in the pits of hell, fleeing to the shadow plane. Velstrac are masochistic perfectionists who seek to constantly improve their body by fusing powerful creature parts and metal modifications to themselves. Mershoula turns her focus to the Velstrac and the Shadow Plane.
Mershoula’s time and exploration of the shadow realm leads her to discover the Svartalfar, a race of once-fey banished to the shadow realm for unspeakable crimes. In the shadow realm, the Svartalfar formed clans of shadowy assassins who accept jobs for the price of secrets, occult sciences, and obscure information rather than gold. The Svartalfar reside in and closely guard massive, underground libraries hidden on the Shadow Plane.
Over time, Mershoula and the Svartalfar become allies, swapping many arcane secrets and occult lore. Mershoula focuses her attention on the shadow plane and her two new assets: The powerful ally of the Svartalfar, and the fascinating subject of the Velstrac.
Around 6,000 BR Mershoula was given 1 of the 2 First Seeds stolen from the Fay by the Svartalfar. Over the next 100 years her unquenchable curiosity and continued relationship with the Svartalfar eventually resulted in her learning the secret of Merisyl’s origin story, drawing Zelagiur’s deadly attention.
To survive that unwelcome attention Mershoula took refuge inside one of the First Trees, using it to mask her presence from Zelagiur, but imprisoning herself in the process.
Works of Meldrox (approximately 5,000 BR)
Meldorranovali Lundrunginum Droxupali (known informally as Meldrox) pioneered groundbreaking work combining the science of clockwork automation with arcane magic. A number of legendary magical artifacts bear his nickname.
Meldrox established a number of workshops across Merisyl until his eventual mysterious disappearance. Legends tell of secret workshops magically hidden away that continue to crank along with clockwork precision.
Fall of the Verrkothi Empire [TODO]
~5,000 Verrkothi Incursion (see Premyzic )
~4,783 Entombing of Brac’Myrros
~4,750 Dissolution of Empire
Corruption of Kervache (approximately 4,000 BR)
The Pacantryx, thought to be extinct, once brought the Draconic and non-Draconic races together to live peacefully. However, their eventual demise was believed to have been brought about by a Hominal illness that tore through their communities with deadly force. The handful that survived did so only by withdrawing into isolation, leaving the rest of the world to believe them extinct.
The tragedy was further exacerbated by the abandonment of the Pacantryx God, Litoriath, who refused to accept the souls of the plague-stricken Pacantryx into the afterlife for fear that their illness would infect his realm.
The children of the survivors failed to understand that this decimation was an accident, and became bitter – craving revenge against the Hominal races. Their long lifespan and low rate of reproduction means that even today the Pacantryx number less than 100, and are only 4 generations removed from the plague that ravaged their forefathers.
The truth of the plague that devastated the Pacantryx is a well-kept and dark secret. Litoriath’s First Disciple, Kervache (a Silver Dragon), started the plague. He then counseled Litoriath to bar the souls of the dead from the afterlife, convincing him that the sickness could come with them. Kervache also framed the Hominal races as the source of the plague, igniting the flame of resentment with the few Pacantryx survivors. Finally, he used his powers of illusion and persuasion to found a secret society called the “Veil of Atonement” as a means to force the false memory of the plague and acceptance of blame into the racial consciousness of the Hominal races.
The Veil of Atonement is a small, secret group of primarily Hominal members. The group was established by the leadership of the Order of Humanity to preserve the memory of the death of the Pacantryx race, and the role that the Hominal races played (albeit unintentionally) in their demise. They have guarded their lore of the Pacantryx for years, seeking a way to atone for the unintentional decimation that they believe was caused by their forefathers.
Kervache’s long term (and ultimately unsuccessful) plan was to carve himself out a spot in the Draconic pantheon as a full-fledged deity. By deposing Litoriath and creating the motivation for a Draconic domination of the Hominal races Kervache hoped to turn more of the world of Merisyl to Chaos and Evil, and to provide them a focus for the appetites of their newfound vices.
Fall of Co'Vokai (approximately 3,000 BR)
Zymchalluc the Ancient (a Red Dragon) and his Horde of Retribution, a chaotic and powerful band of outlaws, destroyed the city of Co’Vokai, a Dwarven stronghold which had been founded upon the bones of the Verrkothi city of Vokallian in what would eventually come to be known as the Ft!k Hills.
Fall of Litoriath
Approximately 3,800 years ago Litoriath, a gold dragon once worshipped by many in Merisyl and revered by elder races mostly extinct, fell from power. Disaster struck his worshippers in the form of a plague. Under advisement from his First Disciple, he turned those who died from the illness away from their expected afterlife, and in a crisis of faith, those followers turned their worship from him. With the loss of his followers, Litoriath was stranded on the Draconic Plane, weakened and unable to exert much, if any, influence on the people of Merisyl.
At the height of his power, Litoriath was the god of the earth, wealth from the land (gemstones, crops, precious metals, etc.) and the natural magic of Merisyl. With Litoriath’s loss of followers the natural magic of Merisyl was taken up by the younger Goddess Nuvria.
The truth of the plague that devastated the Pacantryx is different than that believed by the few Pacantryx survivors and Litoriath himself. Litoriath’s First Disciple, Kervache (a Silver Dragon), was responsible for the creation of the plague. He then counseled Litoriath to bar the souls of the dead from the afterlife, convincing him that the sickness could come with them. Kervache also framed the Hominal races as the source of the plague, igniting the flame of resentment with the few Pacantryx survivors. Finally, he used his powers of illusion and persuasion to start an organization called the Veil of Atonement as a means to force the false memory of the plague and acceptance of blame into the racial consciousness of the Hominal races.
Kervache’s long term plan was to carve himself out a spot in the Draconic pantheon as a full-fledged deity. By deposing Litoriath and creating the motivation for a Draconic domination of the Hominal races Kervache hoped to turn more of the world of Merisyl to Chaos and Evil, and to provide them a focus for the appetites of their newfound vices.
Third Era
Nuvria's Blessing
Kervache found his power unequal to the task of stepping directly into the void created by Litoriath’s downfall. Lacking the strength to stand against the possible combined might of mortal leaders, Kervache retreated to the Mountains of Borteneus on Aunea to increase his power.
With Litoriath gone and Kervache not yet ascended, the Goddess Nuvria gained worshippers and power – somewhat filling the void in the Pantheon, and resulting in a surge in the number of people bearing a Merisyl Gift.
Kervache’s studies touched on divine magic (quickly abandoned, as he had overthrown his own God), arcane magic, and primal Powers. While promising, none of these sources could provide the overwhelming might Kervache craved. He turned to demonic sources for his power, and the possibilities appeared endless.
Unearthing of the Toralis Vokallian (Approximately 1,000 BR)
T!rv *chu (TrevChu), a Sorcerer who specialized in Earth magic, was born and raised in the Obsidian Fenhold in an out of the way corner of the Obsidian Swamp. She used her earth magic to seek out precious gemstones in the Ft!k Hills. Her family traded these with Vutha Gix and were reasonable well-to-do as a result. As she grew in power and ambition she continued to range further abroad and delve deeper underground in her quest for gemstones. Under the Ruins of Co’Vokai deep in the unnamed mountains in the north of Lavaryll she unearthed the gemstone known as the Toralis Vokallian. Millennium ago this stone was used as a focus for Troglodyte summoning rituals. After the Empire of Verrkoth fell, the Dwarves eventually raised the city of Co’Vokai above it. The stone remained undisturbed as the people of Co’Vokai mined the mountains. Then Co’Vokai fell to Zymchalluc the Ancient (a Red Dragon) and his Horde of Retribution. Even this event is nearly lost to history, as it took place over 2,000 years ago. Through it all the Toralis Vokallian remained undisturbed until TrevChu’s earth song called it up from the depths.
Roughly the size of a breastplate, it’s gleaming jet-black surface allows sparkles of silver to show through from the depths. Gazing upon it causes you to drift into daydreams of possibilities… destinies to be fulfilled, rewards deserved but not given. Long term exposure brings up feelings of covetousness and jealousy.
Summoning of Mezrek (80 BR)
As decades of study stretched on to centuries Kervache’s ambition grew along with his abilities. He sought to bind, deal and trick the mightiest powers of the abyss. Eventually Kervache attempted to bind a powerful Balor Demon known as Mezrek.
Kervache’s plans to ascend to the pantheon of Merisyl would not be realized, as Mezrek was able to break the binding and turn Kervache into another tool of destruction.
Disappearance of Blizghuramoth (65 BR)
About a century ago Mezrek took a second Dragon into unwilling service when the mighty Bronze dragon Blizghuramoth, Kràl of Notch, attempted to confront Kervache in his mountain stronghold.
In Blizghuramoth’s absence, the city of Notch became divided into factions largely ruled by different criminal enterprises.
Creation of the Kervachi (60 BR)
Mezrek used the seed of Kervache and Blizghuramoth to father half-Dragon/half-Demon creatures known as the Kin of Kervache (Kervachi). These creatures provided the muscle required to eradicate Dragons from Merisyl; a necessary first step to the eventual domination of the land. Mezrek sent his forces through portals in each major city in Merisyl. Three magical curved stone plinths resembling 50′ high talons burst through the ground in each city, forming portals to Mezrek’s plane. This is now referred to as the Great Invasion.
Mezrek’s goal was more ambitious than simply ascending to the pantheon, as Kervache desired – Mezrek’s ambition was to remake Merisyl in the image of the Abyss – with himself as the supreme ruler.
Mezrek’s intent was to transform the verdant landscape of Merisyl by bringing about an eclipse of the sun lasting 100 years. In this era of darkness the forces of the Abyss would rampage across the land, bringing misery and terror to all that they encountered.
Abyssal Rending (1 BR)
Having successfully bred and trained his Kervachi army, Mezrek launched an assault on Merisyl itself. Dark Claws emerged from every major city in the world, each with a scene like this one, captured by the Chroniclers of All in Aryl:
Mounds of corpses surround the base of the spires. Each of them has had their throat torn out savagely. The spires absorb the blood soaking the ground, greedily harvesting it for the energy that powers the Dark Claw. Angry blue energy crackles between the spires, throwing off gouts of black flame periodically. The area at the center of the spires shimmers with waves of heat. The buildings nearest the entry point of the Dark Claw have been vaporized, and for 100 yards outside of that glassy clearing rubble, debris and the broken remnants of the citizen’s lives like scattered where a city once stood. Earth and debris alike have been pushed aside along a wide path to the southeast, leaving a 50’ wide trench which terminates in a massive hole in what was once an elegant palace.
The war that followed ended with the Return of Litoriath.
Fourth Era
Return of Litoriath (0 RL)
With the aid of Litoriath’s Disciples Durban, Erizon and Ellorien, Litoriath was restored to power to face and defeat Mezrek, close the Abyssal Gates and re-establish himself in the Pantheon.
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