Level: 1leshyplant

Size: Medium

Recall Knowledge: (plant) Nature DC 13

A limber gnarled vine about as big around as a human leg is topped with a tuft of leaves. Where it meets the ground the vine splits into root-like tendrils, each barbed with sharp thorns that glisten with droplets of sap. There are no visible features or sensory organs.

Perception: +1; Tremorsense (15′)

Skills: Athletics +5

Str +2, Dex -2, Con +3, Int -1, Wis +1, Cha -2

AC: 13; Fort: +4, Ref: +1, Will +2

HP: 30; Weaknesses slashing 5

Speed 25 feet

Melee 1 poison thorn +7, Damage 1d8+2 poison (allergy)

Any Veganimate will have one of the following Allergy abilities:

Weeping Wound 1 The Veganimate injects an acidic anticoagulant (DC 16 Fortitude save). Creatures that fail this save take 2 points of acid damage and 1 persistent bleed damage.

Distracting Itch 1 The Veganimate injects an itchy toxin (DC 16 Fortitude save). Creatures that fail this save take 2 points of acid damage and become Fascinated.

Uncontrollable Sneezing 1 The Veganimate emits a cloud of acidic pollen (DC 16 basic Reflex save). Creatures within 5’ that fail this save take 2 points of acid damage and become Stunned 1.

Contact High 1 The Veganimate injects a euphoric substance (DC 16 basic Will save). Creatures that fail this save take 2 points of mental damage and become Clumsy 1 for 1 round.

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